Frequently Asked Questions
As a Spiritual Career Coach, the public asks me a lot of questions about how to elevate their income levels and release doubt, but I can't always answer them individually because I have to spend the majority of my time working with paying clients.
Invest in a 1:1 session with me so I can give you my full attention and help alleviate stress from your internal and external uncertainties
or look for the answer here and do your due diligence with your research to uplevel your own life.
1. Will I get in trouble for lying on my resume?
In trouble by whom exactly? Who is going to reprimand you or even be able to constitute what is true or false on your resume enough to then take the steps to get you "in trouble"?
This is not school anymore, this is real life and there is no looming authority figure ready to bang the gavel on your resume and throw you in a jail cell for putting that you know Excel when you don't (though it would be great for you personally and professionally if you invested the time in learning Microsoft and whatever tools listed on the job description for the job you're interested in landing). There is NO criminal charge for not telling the full or half truths on a resume document that was submitted to a job opening at a random company.
So many senior-level job seekers have "verbal & written communication" on their resumes when they are not expert orators or writers and nobody bats an eye at that fact. You more than likely already have embellishments on your resume, for example... if you say you are organized and have attention to detail on your resume and you have a grammatical or spelling or formatting errors... You just lied. Are you in trouble? No. You might be hurting your chances of getting more callbacks, but in trouble? You are not. So please relax yourself from the fear of your potential resume encounters. If it was an offense that would land you in jail or "get you in trouble," you would already be in serving time! Concern yourself more with ways to get hired into roles you actually fit. Are you lying when you omit that you're late to work a lot or got in a fight with a boss before? No, you aren't. If you have been speaking your language for 20 years, do you not have 10+ years of communication experience that you could put on your resume? Yes, you do. It is not a lie to use your life experience to help yourself get hired.
There is nobody behind bars for lying on their resume to get corporate position. I advise all my C-Suite clients to apply to jobs that they have the ballpark experience for, but if the job post asks for 15+ years of training and you only have 10 years, you can say you have 15+ years and not be put in jail. When you get the callback, it is wise to tell them you are qualified for the job and have the 15 years of experience that they asked for to ensure you are the executive-level candidate that has the best chance at getting the job. By ANY means necessary, you should be trying to get yourself hired so that you can be celebrated and compensated for the contributions you have already made.
If you feel like you will not be able to convince a decision-maker to choose your labor no matter what, this is NOT the place for you yet.
I advise all my clients to not impersonate doctors, lawyers, police, or astronauts, but most companies are just trying to assess the competency of their potential next board member as they do not know you personally. Since they are not going to be able to test your skills while sitting there in the interviewing room with you... your only job is to help them choose you. None of my clients have flat out lies on the resumes that I create for them because all 10+ year professionals have plenty of transferable skills to use in their career strategies, they just do not know how to articulate them accurately in the job market.
Most people have no idea that they are literally always increasing process improvement methods and data insights regarding labor productivity by just showing up to work and including your impact as human capital on your resume is 100% NOT a lie. Resume writing is creative writing and strategic marketing, so if you have a problem with the way this business operates, do not support it at all.
You will get trained by the company anyways, so you either have the skills now or will gain them in the future. Do not disqualify yourself from landing worthwhile positions. Your resume should make you appear like the ideal candidate so that you can get a callback!
2. What is the average turnaround time?
The turnaround time at The Career Island is 21-business days (this excludes weekends and holidays). All potential and current clients must understand that we are always and completely FULLY booked!
However, this is not your due date, but just the AVERAGE time it will take to get to your order in the client ecosystem because we pull in a lot of interest from people all over the world who are also trying to uplevel into a senior-level career making a lot more in salary. Also, it does not actually take 21-business days to do one career assignment for a client, but it takes 21-business days just to get through the amount of clients before you when you purchase a professional service from this company. Be patient and let the craft be crafted!
Once you purchase a service, you are added to a VERY LONG list of clients! You, personally, will NEVER be the only person trying to get an executive career on this Earth, nor will you ever be the only client that is getting a career package done on the island. If you choose to support this business, I thank you for allowing me to do this service and waiting patiently as I work in my artform that cannot be rushed.
During your service build, you may explore the following productive activities such as studying for the position, connecting with senior-level professionals and executive directors that have the job title you're seeking on LinkedIn, networking with employees that work at your desired companies, or watching my Interview Prep playlist on my TikTok channel here.
3. Does a professional resume guarantee that I am going to get a job?
Of course not. Just like being pretty isn't the automate guarantee that your first date is going to go well or turn into something serious/long-term. Same rules apply here in the job market. An effective resume can help you tremendously, but the goal of a professionalized resume is just to assist in your marketing strategy and help you attract more leads and get potential buyers to reach out for more conversations.
There is no guarantee that you are going to get a job as there are so many interconnected levels to getting hired for senior-level and executive positions (the main one being your own mindset and beliefs about your abilities). If you can't convince yourself that you have value, it will be difficult to convince an outside party to have faith in skills you are uncertain about.
You are also seldom going to know who the principle decision-makers are for the hiring department at the companies you're interviewing with and people have natural human biases at every corner of their being. They could not like you because you intimidate them with your education and experience level... and they could pass you up for somebody that doesn't trigger them, perfect resume or not. Once you are in that interviewing room, it is up to YOU to simply be yourself and do your best at positioning your labor benefits because opportunities that are for you won't miss you. 100% of the time we get the shots that we are supposed to get that are aligned to the choices that we are making.
[If you believe that you have been doing every single thing possible to get hired AFTER purchasing a resume service, try reading this blog again and going line by line to complete the steps to ensure that you are exhausting your options to gain visibility in the job market]
You are also not buying the career itself. You are buying a professional career SERVICE! In order to increase your callback ratio and hiring potential, you need to be strategically sending in applications to at least 20 roles or making contact with 20 companies of interest per week with your specifically tailored resumes.
A secret tip from professional job seekers: go private on social media and scrub all your profiles for foul play during your interview processes them (make sure you are not hurting your chances from getting selected by HR based on what you have posted online) and never put where you currently work on your LinkedIn profile or anywhere on the interview (wait until you have a new job to tell people where you used to work)
4. What if I don’t have the exact experience that is listed on the job description?
Apply anyways! You do not have to fit a job to get a job. Please remember that the job description is a piece external labor marketing. The goal of the company was to put out an advertisement (a piece of marketing) to pique the interest of labor and entice people into applying to trade their skills for compensation. If you get interested or excited at all in ANY way about a company based on their job description, then it did what it was supposed to do. Job descriptions aren't intentionally written to make you feel unworthy or bad about yourself .
If you are self-rejecting from companies based on what you're seeing on job posts, I invite you to become a coaching client here because self-doubt is getting in the way of your success and you no longer have to try and face or get over that internal obstacle alone anymore.
If you are not confident that you can excel in the role after being trained on the job or think that you won't ever be able to sell yourself as the best executive addition to the company's board of directors, you will have a very hard time in this process and should stop job hunting and get to the root of your blocks by talking to your inner saboteur here.
I tell all my clients to procure jobs that they truly feel that they are able to perform, but if you are interested in getting increased callbacks, your resume should reflect what is listed on the the job description.
5. Have you received my email yet?
The Office Manager will reply to you when they get to your email in the inbox. Please wait at least 2-4 business days before reaching out again to see if your message was received. You should expect to hear back within the same week that you sent an email, but there are THOUSANDS of comments, DMs, and emails being sent to the island daily that we diligently try our best to stay on top of.
You need NOT harass me (Andrea, the Spiritual Career Coach) about your email if you haven't even paid for anything. I go in order and dedicate my full attention to responding and working with all of my paying clients first, they get top priority always.
All interested/potential clients must speak with the office and the direct contact email for the island that you can reach out to with your most up to date resume is: ​resume@thecareerisland.com
6. How do I edit my professional resume documents?
Edit your professional resume documents with the most updated version of Microsoft Word as I create all my client’s professionalized resume and cover letter templates using this tool. I create templates to be functional enough for you to edit on your own with ease.
In your file folder (after downloading the documents), right-click on the master resume Word Document and select "copy," then hover over a white space beneath that document and right-click again, then select "paste" so you can create a new “copy” of your new professionalized resume in the same file folder. Name the copy of your professional resume the title of the NEW position you are interested in tailoring a new resume to match. This is what you should be doing every time you want to apply to a new position so that you stay organized and exact.
You should be changing the title of the resume to match the title that is listed on the new job description that you are interested in applying to, the years of experience listed on the job description, and plugging in the skills that are being asked for on the description as well. These 3 items should be changed each time you apply to a new role AT THE VERY LEAST and for extra, you can add in some of the values of the company that you are applying to throughout your resume document to make yourself seem like a good culture fit.
7. How come I didn't receive a resume for all the job links I sent in?
You did not receive more than one resume because you did not pay for more than one resume to be built. You were asked to send in 1-2 job description links with the desired job title you wanted the one resume to match just in case one of the job descriptions closed during the professional resume building process. If you would like another resume to match a new job description, please rebook the service.
8. What is a LinkedIn Profile Optimization or What does it entail?
All of your information is going to be updated to match the newly built resume so that you will appear as the ideal candidate to the HR Managers in your field and attract the Corporate Recruiters of your industry to your platform. There are ways to draw in decision-makers and desired executive career opportunities to your LinkedIn Profile and the optimization process that is included in my services take care of that.
You can forgo applying to jobs altogether with a professionalized LinkedIn Profile because it is the most used social media site for Recruiters and HR Managers. They use the site to scout for VIP talent and I optimize profiles to appeal to the views and eyes of the hiring authorities of your industry. Follow with me on LinkedIn here to see my profile and use my free career resources in my featured section.
More Common Questions
This page is updated with questions the more common they get, so check back for more
9. Is it illegal to lie on your resume? No. Your resume is not a subpoena or a legal document.
10. What if I don’t get any callbacks? There is something wrong with your marketing strategy.
11. Where do I find the keywords for the jobs that I am interested in? Directly on the job vacancy announcement.
12. Are your resumes ATS-compliant? Yes.
13. What makes you qualified to write resumes? I got hired to write resumes and started getting people interviews.
14. Where can I find out more information about how to get hired? In real life by going on more interviews.
15. Do you do refunds? No.
16. How can I become a Resume Writer? Start charging people to write their resumes.
17. How do I make my LinkedIn Profile match the job description? Just make your LinkedIn match one job title.
18. Where can I find remote work? I post open remote roles on my LinkedIn that you can follow here.
19. How can I land a remote position? Apply to a remote job with a professional resume.
20. Can you look at my resume & LinkedIn Profile? If you purchase a Career Coaching service, we will review both.
21. Where is your email/how do we get started? Send your resume here ASAP: resume@thecareerisland.com
22. Is the audit the resume redo? No, the audit is a digital product that walks you through your resume.
23. Do you do discounts? Yes, subscribe to the emails on the contact page and look in the back of the e-books.
24. Why didn't you include my school accomplishments? Because you're not a student anymore, you're an executive.
25. Do you do edits? Not for free, but you purchased the Master Word Documents that are self-editable.
26. Do you do payment plans? Yes, all my payment plans are available on the Stan store here.
27. What if I get a role that I don't know how to do? Ask your coworkers for help and pay attention during training.
28. What if I get blacklisted from a company? Apply somewhere where you are not blacklisted.
29. Is it my own fault if I don't get hired? Without question, you are 100% responsible.
30. What if I can't afford your services? You can save up until you can or ask a family or friend to gift you a service.
31. What if I don't like my resume? You may change it as many times as you need/want until you like it.
32. What if they ask for references and I don't have any? Get a google voice number and be your own reference.
33. Why are your services so expensive? You are not my intended audience, please do not try to purchase from me.

Are you curious about whether spiritual career coaching can assist you in finally
feeling confident enough to leave your current role and apply for an executive position?
I would be more than happy to speak with you if you are a job seeker that is highly invested in your
career growth and looking to gain senior-level executive offers that match your 10+ years of work experience.
You will gain career clarity on what is holding you back from fully going after career opportunities
and the internal/external tools that will help bring you into alignment for your mindset transformation.
Let's talk about the next step in your life!