All resume templates are original design conceptions that were built 100% from scratch in Microsoft Word and have ALREADY been successful in receiving callbacks and executive offers for previous C-Suite clients.
Please read through the product descriptions for more information about the industries the templates above have been built to match. After your purchase, you will immediately receive the editable document and you can start updating it with your own personal information along with the keywords from the opening you want to apply to.

The Myth of Color on Resumes
Your resume can have color on it. Anybody that tells you otherwise still uses an outdated resume building ideology that has yet to evolve. Most people are not Professional Executive Resume Writers with quantifiable results of getting a mass amount of people (outside of themselves) hired in many different industries and job titles all around the world.
There are still professionals in HR and Recruiter spaces that believe resumes MUST be black and white in order to be considered 'professional' and pass an initial decision-maker screening.
This ideology is not only VERY FALSE, but it speaks to the commonplace ignorance surrounding the job market. There are countless misconceptions that are just simply "believed" to be true because of the lack of knowledge about the hiring industry.
Some of the more ancient ATS Software still utilized in the market can have issues accepting or interpreting resume designs and formats across the board, with or without color, so to curb this... SOMETIMES the company will require applicants to upload their resume and then fill out their information again in the company's career portal.
Which, yes, is highly tedious and annoying, but it serves a purpose.
I advise ALL my executive clients and followers to always send an attachment of the PDF version of their resume directly to the decision-makers at desired companies and to never rely solely on a job portal to get them more callbacks in case the ATS being used at said company just so happens to be outdated.
There are always ways around the system, but half of the battle is just getting your resume viewed even when it is scored as a match by the ATS... so making strategic connections with people who already work at the company is your best bet at getting an interview, not just having a plain looking resume.
Once a resume is scored by the ATS (if the company utilizes one), it is put inside a pool of matched applicants where decision-makers can decide to look further into the profile. The average time a decision-maker takes to view a potential candidate's application is about 6-7 seconds. Resumes with color POP out to the human eye and stand out amongst the sea of black and white resumes because they differentiate themselves through the design alone.
I create visually striking resumes and none of them have issues with ATS scans because my executive clients are getting hired as you can see in the results scrolling above.
Color is here to stay and many applicant tracking systems have evolved with the times because of technology and software updates.
The people living in the past are steering you wrong, do not be fooled!
The majority of career seekers are applying with resumes that are black and white, not appealing, and lack proper formatting, so color is not going to hurt your chances when your marketing is solid.
If you insist on having a black and white resume, there are a few available for purchase with modern formatting that will still work well and appeal to the eye of your reader in the resume catalog above.